Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Children's Museum

Last sunday the 18th we took sammy to the children's museum for the first time. We went with our friends Matt, Jessica and Josh Recuppito. Josh is just a few months younger than sammy. The boys had a great time. First we took them to the playscape area. I remember my mom taking me to this a lot when I was a kid. I have fond memories of the dry erase markers. I remember I thought they were magic, how they could just disappear like that. Sammy and Josh loved the water area. After a few minutes they were soaked so we moved them along to the area where they could crawl around. They both moved around like they owned the joint. After they wore us mom's out chasing them we had a snack in the food court. Then we went to check out the comic area for the dad's. Then we rode on the carosel. Sammy of course again was terrified. I don't know why he is so frighten of them. We just sat on one of the benches and he did ok. But he didn't want anything to do with the horses. I can't wait to take him again to explore more.