Thursday, April 9, 2009

Busy and Sick

The Tinkham family has been very busy and sick this winter. Sammy has had three ear infections. I had bronchitis, sinus infection and ear infect a week and a half ago. And shawn has had a GI bug recently. We have been busy working on our house lately. Painting, organizing, cleaning out trash and clutter. We bought a new washer because ours broke. We bought a new engine for our HVAC because it broke. And we bought new couches because ours were falling apart. Our house is looking much nicer. It is crazy what a little paint will do. We painted most of the house a light green and two walls a darker forest green. I'm sure in a few years I will hate it but right now I love it. Sammy has been busy learning all kinds of things lately. He knows mostly all his body parts. He will point to them if you ask him. He says "car" about 500 times a day. We are very obsessed with them. He can also say "good dog". And he learned how to walk last month. Now he is getting much quicker. It is cute. Some times he does the "superman walk" were he puts his arms behind himself to balance as he walks and he looks like he is going to take off. Lately though he hasn't been doing it much. He has learned to stick his tummy out instead. He is throwing more trantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. I get embarassed sometimes but I try to stand my ground. I'd rather be a little embarassed now then have a bratty kid later. Mostly though he is a very good boy and he does what we ask. It is crazy how much he has learned in such a short time. He learned all his body parts in less than two weeks. And he can eat with a fork and spoon and I only showed him once and he knew what I was asking him to do. We will be getting ready for a garage sale, and easter soon. Hope everyone is doing well and not getting sick like us.